Monday, February 4, 2013

Our house

We're so grateful our 3 months of living out of suitcases in hotels has ended, and we have a great house! To be honest, I'm not very committed to continuing the blog now that we don't have fun trips every month. But here's a post about our house, and who knows what the future holds for the blog.
In the backyard is this great play area + sandbox, which Gavin has enjoyed (on days it's warm and dry enough). There's also a park just a few houses away, which Gavin can navigate to without help.
in his sandbox 
Jacob is a rock-star homeowner who has already made several substantial home improvements. He's painted lots of the house so far, and Gavin's room was the biggest chore because it was the only one that wasn't already neutral.
before: sky blue with a PINK closet
This photo serves as before and after--the new color is to the left of Jacob.
Part of the fun of having a new house is getting a few new things--
we LOVE our mango-wood dining room table.
When the movers brought our things, they dumped the contents of each box so they could haul the boxes away. So here's a before and after of our master closet, probably the most impressive 'room' in the house. (Gavin is in the 'before' shot--colorful PJs...wearing a headband.)

I'm a big fan of the master bathroom; it's very spacious.
We bought the house with the basement completely unfinished. Since the day we moved in we've had contractors here finishing part of the basement with a family room, a full bathroom and a guest room. So if you come to Ohio to stay with us (I know, it's not at all as appealing as England!), we assure you we'll have a place for you to sleep. Soon.
We've met our neighbors, and everyone seems nice. We're looking forward to warmer weather when kids are out playing. And the neighborhood pool is open.


Kirsty*Howard*Harvey*Layla*Miles said...

I would say your bathroom is a good contender for the most impressive room! You definitely need to keep up with the blog - We want to know how you are getting on and how life is in Ohio! Hope you're all well, our boys are getting so grown up :(

Becky Foster said...

I'm drooling. Seriously Rachel you have a BEAUTIFUL house. Love it so much, and that cute Gavin. Please don't stop blogging. I love to see pics even when you're not traveling!