Thursday, May 29, 2014

5 months

Sophie is still super-sweet, and we absolutely adore her! She's growing exponentially, too big even for some of her 6-month tops. Giggles are sparse, except Gavin can ALWAYS get her to laugh even when Jacob and I have been trying with no success. This month Sophie took her first airplane rides and has now visited 6 states. She's dangerously close to rolling over.
Hopefully this isn't TOO many photos of her... Is there such a thing? ;)

sporting the patriotic shirt for Memorial Day because we're not sure it will still fit her for the 4th of July...

always happy in the bath + this shot shows more of her awesome rolls :)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Sophie has truly awesome rolls. Was Gavin that roly-poly as a baby? So cute.

I'm impressed with Sophie's 6 states! It may take her awhile to catch up with all the countries that Gavin has visited, but I'm sure she'll get there. :) (I think Nora has been to 7 states, if we count driving through the corner of AZ between Utah and Nevada.)