Sunday, February 3, 2008

Campaign Trails on the Santa Fe Trail

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed and implied in this post belong solely to Rachel; Jacob shares neither my level of passion for politics nor my excitement for the Democratic presidential candidates.)

If you’re reading this blog, you probably know me well enough to know that I am passionate about politics and that my political leaning is left. With Super Tuesday approaching and New Mexico holding its Democratic presidential caucus in just a few days, we’ve had a lot of political excitement with candidates and their representatives visiting Albuquerque. I have been extremely excited to attend a few events in the past couple of days, and the intent of this post is to describe my experiences (and display pictures I took myself at the events), not to preach the political beliefs I so fervently embrace. So for those reading this who find yourselves leaning right (which is probably an unfortunate majority of you), I hope you’ll keep reading despite the “blue” tint. I’ve had a whirlwind past couple of days!

The first event I attended was Senator Edward Kennedy stumping for Barack Obama at the National Hispanic Cultural Center here in Albuquerque on Thursday. My first impression when he entered the room was that he looks much older in person than he does on TV. Going into the event, I expected to see the iconic Ted Kennedy; instead I saw the elderly Ted Kennedy! But as soon as he started speaking I felt his energy and enthusiasm, and he seemed much younger than he had when he entered the room. His message was one of hope and optimism, something I’m sure we all want to have in our next president. He also spoke of specific experiences he’s had working with Senator Obama on various committees and groups in the Senate, which was interesting and enlightening. I was impressed and energized!

Later that afternoon I attended an event where the main speaker was President Bill Clinton, campaigning on behalf of his wife. He spoke to several thousand people – mostly young people – at UNM. I stood in a very long line in the 32-degree (and even colder wind chill) weather, and every moment was worth it! He is a brilliant orator, and his charisma and charm were palpable! The moment he entered the room was electric! He said some things I didn’t know about Hillary’s experience and credentials, and I was impressed. Bill has been criticized recently for turning the Democratic race negative, but in this speech he kept his message very positive. It was inspiring!

Friday morning Jacob and I braved the insanely large crowd to attend a Barack Obama town hall meeting at the convention center. Apparently the crowd was so large he had to speak briefly to 2 overflow crowds before getting to the actual event, where Jacob and I were lucky to get a seat (we were almost in one of those overflow crowds). The Obama event was an “economic summit” where he delivered a message about the economy, had a panel that talked about the economy, then opened it up for the crowd to ask questions. Just as impressive as the crowds he drew was his message and delivery. His message about the economy was practical and positive, and I think he has the ability to make the differences we desperately need right now.

The final event was Hillary Clinton at a local high school Saturday night, which Jacob and I both attended. I know I've run out of adjectives from describing the previous events, but let me assure you I attended the best last! Hillary was incredible! Her speech was awesome, and the room was pulsing with energy! I loved what she said about Iraq, immigration, education, etc. I especially enjoyed what she said about creating "green-collar jobs," which are jobs we'll need in our efforts to make the country more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. (This photo is a bit like "Where's Waldo"--she's in the middle with the bright blue shirt under a black suit. Chelsea Clinton also attended the event; she's a few people to the right of Hillary in a grey jacket.)

I can't believe I've done all this just in the past 3 days! It's so exciting!! Even though the Democratic caucus in New Mexico is this week, I won’t be voting. On paper I’m a registered Independent, so I can’t vote in the caucus. But just in case you wonder where I stand after all this excitement... I was leaning toward Obama before, but I’m increasingly impressed with Hillary Clinton. I’ll gladly support the one who gets the Democratic nomination. (If you’re interested in learning more about the Obama campaign, click here; if you’re interested in learning more about the Clinton campaign, click here. If, on the other hand, you’re interested in any of the Republican candidates, please reconsider!)


Mutti said...

Rachel, We salute your enthusiasm for the political process. Sometimes your mom and I wonder about our attempts to teach you guys independent thinking. (Or perhaps you came upon it on your own.) Anyway, I still think the greatest barrier to preserving our freedoms is apathy. You definitely are not apathetic. Enjoy your trip to Alaska. We will! Dad

Melissa said...

I am totally jealous of all the Democratic superstars that you have seen in the last week! How exciting. :)