Sunday, June 22, 2008

London Calling

Thursday we went to Cambridge, but we decided to let someone else punt the Cam while we relaxed, enjoyed the scenery and listened to some great Cambridge stories. (The above photo is the back of St. John's College.) Below, enjoy a photo of Nick gnawing on a very posh giant flump.

Saturday we spent the day in London. We saw all the sights but didn't get a chance to really sink our teeth into London, so we're looking forward to getting back soon.

We went on a Beatles walking tour that was actually a little boring, but here's a photo of Paul McCartney's London office. You can't tell from the photo, but we could faintly make out the cover of the Abbey Road album hanging on his wall (for you non-Beatles fans, it's the iconic shot of the Beatles on the zebra crossing/crosswalk).

Jacob update: I don't have a lot of details, but I did talk to Jacob today, and he's doing well other than the extreme heat. He was in transit for a couple of days but is finally at his planned destination. Thanks again to those of you who have offered encouragement and support to both of us.


Mutti said...

More information on what a "posh giant flump" is, please!

Unknown said...

You'd have to ask the candy salesperson at the Cambridge market; we were wondering ourselves, which is why we purchased it.
(Ok, it's basically a big pink marshmallow.)