Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A rollover on the A11

Gavin has rolled over! This video is about the 4th or 5th roll. Obviously I didnt get the first few on video because I wasn't expecting it.

I've read that most babies first roll from their front to their back, but Gavin's rolls are back-to-front. It's funny because he hates tummy time (as most babies apparently do), yet he won't stop rolling to his tummy. He just did it for the first time today, and he's already rolled about 10 times. This afternoon I put him on his play mat while I left the room briefly, and I returned to find this:

I really wish I could have seen this one--how high his leg would need to get in order to end up straddling the pole. So cute. :)

Ok, one more photo since you can't quite see what he's wearing in the above, and he looks so cute in his England jersey.


Jennie said...

Does Gavin get upset once he has rolled over to his tummy?

Emily said...

Wow, those are some skilled moves for a little guy! Brinly was not rolling until maybe six or seven months.

Unknown said...

Jennie--Most of the time he does get upset when he finds himself on his tummy, but if he's that upset he'll eventually figure out how to get back on his back!