Saturday, June 18, 2011

Profile of a dad

[This is a Father's Day tribute to my sweet husband who is also the best dad. I didn't actually interview him for this post, but I think I know him well enough...]
Offspring: Gavin
Time as a dad: 6.5 months

Hopes and dreams for Gavin: that his first word will be dad; playing sports together (because watching sports is something they mastered early, as seen above)
Favorite moments in fatherhood so far: meeting for the first time (the below photo is the very first one ever taken of Gavin, just moments after he was born--he's holding Jacob's finger); having Gavin sleep on his chest; being the recipient of the first smiles and later the first giggles; when Gavin started being able to play with his dad

Unforgettable welcome to fatherhood: catching poop in his hand on the day after Gavin was born--I walked in to see his open hand being filled with that newborn tar-poop

Perks of fatherhood: cuddles; getting out of parts of church to change or soothe Gavin (not that he was pinched or anything); the tax benefit (yes, we're dealing with an accountant here)
True confession: he loves the smell of Gavin's barf and likes getting barfed on in the morning before work so he can smell it on his shirt all day

Favorite things to do together: take a bath or shower; travel; shop; spin in my office chair; take long walks; eat, especially breakfast at the golf course and things I wouldn't approve of Gavin eating yet, like ice cream or reindeer;
Signature parenting philosophies/techniques: crying it out; no bib necessary when eating--a bare chest or shirt does the job just fine; onesie=fully dressed, no jeans/trousers required (I personally think he looks like a gymnast this way) Ways they resemble each other: obvious physical attributes (same chin, same feet, rosy cheeks, etc); both of them fight going to sleep; both like to sleep with their heads covered; neither can hold still very long

I pretty much can't get enough of these two together!

Happy Father's Day to a fantastic dad!

1 comment:

Sheri said...

I agree - Jacob is one AWESOME dad! This from a very UN-biased mother-in-law. Happy Father's Day, Jacob!