Monday, April 30, 2012

17 months

Gavin is now 17 months old. This post contains the best photos from the past month.
He's getting taller, finally growing some hair on top (instead of just the patch of frizz at the back), and he has now been to 19 countries. He has 12 teeth, and for the most part he's a delight to be around. Right now his favorite thing to say is thank you, but he also loves to say dad, cheese, high-five, please, moreno, Jesus and bye. Activities he enjoys include dancing without inhibition (and sometimes without music), making animal noises, identifying his body parts, poring over his many books, making vehicle noises, sucking his thumb and playing outside.


Ketrin Popova said...

I'm not acquainted with you, but I'm really happy for Gavin and your family! You've got a wonderful son. Thanks for sharing the things happening in your life with other people, even with unfamiliar! It's really interesting! :)

P.S. Sorry for my English.

angela said...

He's so cute!! Isn't it amazing how time flies--Ryan will be 2 this weekend and I can't believe it!

Jennie said...

Gavin is growing up so fast. I love the picture with the tulips! Such a cutie!! ox

KathiG said...

I love the bunny ear one!!! Too cute!!!