Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Sophie recently got her first tooth (about 3 weeks ago it started to break through). It's not the usual first tooth. Or second or third or fourth. You can see it above. If not, here's the detailed view.
The crazy part: her second tooth is coming in, and it's the mirror of this one! She's about to give us a preview of how she'll look as a first-grader with no front teeth.

Sophie also started crawling last week. Here's a video from today. She had just grabbed her Dad's tie off the banister, so I'm not sure if she intended to take it along on her crawl or not. :)


Anonymous said...

Hopefully Sophie will always March to the beat of her own drum. She is quite a beautiful girl.

Becky Foster said...

Love that tooth. So cute! Love all the pics, the updates, your girls' trip, etc. Miss you guys!