Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Acropolyptic (Athens)

We just got back from a 10-day trip to Greece and Turkey, and it was great! We traveled with Jacob's coworker Becky and her husband Mike (whom we've mentioned on the blog before, such as here and here). We had a fantastic time with them, and seeing the awesome stuff we saw. It might take a few days to get all the posts up there, but we're starting where we started--Athens.
In addition to the Acropolis, we also visited a museum of Greek antiquities and found plenty of interesting stuff. The Grecian urn below is fairly hilarious, and the frieze below that is part of a scene depicting the ancient Olympic games. I wasn't aware that dancing was an event back then...

1 comment:

Emily said...

Ha! This rivals the "sexy pope" (or was it a bishop?) statue from the trip you took with Joel and I :)