Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Stork story

This story occurs well in the past, so forgive the tardy posting. When we were in the Netherlands in April we were barely pregnant and had no idea we were expecting. (I started feeling the pregnancy sickness the day we traveled home, but the pregnancy wasn't confirmed until a few weeks after that due to an inconclusive home pregnancy test.)

One morning as we were in the supermarket parking lot enjoying cheese and bread for breakfast, someone said "oh, look at that huge bird on the building." Still absorbed in my Dutch cheese, I didn't care enough to look until Irena (Jacob's boss) said "I'm sure that's a stork. We studied them in school." Just then, Jacob and I had one of those moments straight from the movies where we exchanged a look, reading each other's thoughts across the car. We knew we COULD be pregnant but weren't sure. Seeing that stork seemed to be a sign or something. We're not superstitious, and we don't believe in signs. But this one seemed so fun and coincidental, we had to share on the blog. :)

The proverbial stork won't actually be visiting us until December, but the above is a photo of the one we saw on April 10th. [I was 5 weeks pregnant that day.]


BobBruff said...


We are really excited for you guys!


Jennie said...

What an awesome story to share with your little guy! When the last Pixar movie came out the short film was about storks delivering babies of all species ya'll should watch it your story made me think of that :)