Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Would I Lie to You?"

The below clip is from a BBC show called "Would I Lie to You?" and had us laughing until we cried. It's long, but worth watching.
Quick background on how the show works: team members have to read the statement on the card, which they've never seen before and have no opportunity to pre-plan what they'll say. They're supposed to convince the other team of the story's truth, and the other team can ask follow-up questions about the story. This is Kevin Bridges' turn (he's a Scottish comedian). But the clip's star is really David Mitchell, whom we enjoy in general but is especially hilarious here.
Let us know what you think.


Jared said...

That was really funny!!!

Heather B said...

Too funny!! We saw Kevin Bridges on one of Michael McIntyre's shows, and the boys still quote him! I'll have to be on the lookout for this show.

Emily said...

Funny show!! (more so after I watched it the second time to understand everything they said... :)