Friday, December 3, 2010

More of the Gavin story

Pictures just don't begin to convey how precious he is, but here are a few more from his first 3 days of life. The one thing I mention to all our friends (and any of the hospital staff who note how much he looks like his dad) is that he has Jacob's chin dimple--so adorable!! For those of you who would like more information about why he was so early, here are a few of the details. [I'm keeping it pretty general as far as the birth but don't mind giving more birth-story details in a less-public place than the blog.] We went to our regularly-scheduled 38-week midwife appointment Monday afternoon. Jacob didn't even fully log off his computer at work, and I left a half-made dinner in the fridge, so neither of us expected anything other than a routine visit. But my blood pressure was strangely high, and it's usually well below normal. Several elevated readings prompted an afternoon of extensive tests. Everything came back totally normal, and they were about to let us go until an ultrasound showed there was insufficient amniotic fluid around the baby. So they checked us into the hospital that evening for overnight monitoring, intending to induce labor Tuesday morning. The things they did to prep my body for the induction probably helped jumpstart the process, and I went into labor on my own Monday night around 10pm. The midwife I saw Monday afternoon was shocked to arrive early Tuesday and find me ready to finish bringing Gavin into the world. The process went relatively smoothly, and he arrived at 10:17am--a November baby after all!
(taking his first nap at home)


Heather B said...

He is just beautiful, and I love the photo of him in the crib/cot! He'll grow into it soon enough! I'm so glad it all went smoothly, and that everyone is healthy and happy. Take care, and call if you need anything--I'll be by as soon as I'm completely better. I don't want to share any germs... Give him a big hug from me.

Joye Rolfe said...

Dear Rachel & Jacob, We are so excited for you guys!! We just wished you lived closer so we could see him and give him a HUG!! Kim's Grandfather was named Asher, I love that name! Gavin looks JUST LIKE his dad, I can tell from the pictures. You take care of yourself and tell Jacob "hi" for me. Give that cute little one an squeeze from his Great-Aunt Joye. I bet your mom is just dying to see him. Love you, Joye

Michael said...

He's perfect! Congratulations!

Jennie said...

What a handsome nephew!! I love pictures so send lots and lots!! The last one where his is "The Thinker" is very cute. Love you guys :) Jennie

Lisa said...

Congratulations! It's all very wonderful and exciting. He's a cute little guy!