Thursday, January 20, 2011

You're so vain

We like to spend most of our time looking at Gavin, so why shouldn't he? These videos show him checking himself out in the mirror (which he does for LONG stretches of time), first in his swing, then on his play mat.
We had just turned the swing off, and he was still content to converse with himself. So cute.

In the next video the big yellow thing on the left is the back of the mirror.

(Disclaimer: The title of the post is just a joke. In no way do we think our son is actually capable of vanity.)

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I LOVE him!!! Okay, yes he definitely does look like Jake in a lot of pictures but there is no denying that he is your baby too! Especially in that first picture! He's the perfect RAKE blend!! I want to hold him so bad!! We love you guys!