Monday, December 19, 2011

This week in the kitchen, part II (the sweet stuff)

We did lots of holiday baking this week, and it was fun and festive. Above, I hand-dipped peppermints (not peppermint patties because I didn't have the patience to roll them out, but the filling is the same). The chocolate is high-quality German chocolate. We also made a cookie from Jacob's family Christmas tradition, Karoma spice or bell cookies. It's a recipe from his great-grandmother. You can see flecks in the dough of ground raisins and walnuts, and the cookies also contain lots of really festive spices.

I was disappointed to discover my bell cookie cutter in the below condition. Why do cookie cutters need to be painted in the first place?! We also made peppermint bark using Swiss chocolate.And, of course, the traditional cut-out sugar cookies.


Becky Foster said...

Amazing, delicious, and thoughtful! Glad we were able to try your Christmas goods!

Melissa said...

How lovely and festive! I'm jealous of the recipients. . .