Friday, February 5, 2010

Get some nuts

When I posted the butter advert, saying it was Jacob's favourite, he insisted we also publish this one, which is basically tied for his fave. It's for Snickers, and it features Mr. T.
I find it offensive on a couple of levels, actually. Jacob thinks it's hilarious. We welcome your opinions.


Sheri said...

Mmmm, yes, I can see why it would seem offensive and I don't think I would buy Snicker's based on Mr. T's threats.

Unknown said...

It works on two levels. One, everyone knows that futbol players are wimps outside the U.S.A. and lobby for a call like pansy men. Secondly, any reference to mail anatomy, especially by an outdated character formerly associated with toughness, is generally, although inappropriately, funny because traditionally men are supposed to be brave and strong which has been associated to their respective anatomy. Let's face it, groin shot videos and jokes alike somehow trigger the carnal sense of humor in most of us, politically correct or not.

Heather B said...

I have to tell you, this is one of Adam's favorite ads of all time. In fact, he was laughing hysterically just last night as he was telling Logan about it. Sorry, but they're teenaged boys. What do you expect? I find it funny, too, but then, I'm a mom of teenaged boys...

Unknown said...

Ok, I have to add to this discussion. First a disclaimer: I'm not criticizing those who think this is funny. Obviously I'm married to the biggest fan of this ad, and I totally adore him. Also, I posted it to my blog, which means I'm reasonable and recognize I could be the only person who feels this way...
However, as one without male anatomy, I don't think it's ok to even jokingly assert that qualities like courage and bravery are reserved for those with male parts. He's essentially telling this guy "you're acting like a girl." And that's not ok.

Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

Hey Rachel, Mike and I have adopted the phrase, "She has a set of steel ovaries." which comes from the show Bones on Fox. Without going into a complete detailed discription; one of the main characters is a very logical, strong minded female, when she was told she had a set of balls she just looked and said she is female and doesn't have balls at all. To which the male said, "Then you have one set of steel ovaries." She smiled and said, "Well, Thank you." Mike and I laughed for days and now it our common practice to say this when associating courage and bravery with woman. :)