Friday, March 5, 2010

fish & chips

Yes, they're greasy and provide little (ok, maybe zero) nutritional value. But fish & chips are so delicious! And they're basically the national dish.

Over the summer Jacob and I drove up to the Norfolk coast and had delicious fish & chips (because we heard about the superiority of fish & chips on the coast). Jacob isn't a fish fan, but he discovered that he really enjoys haddock more than the normal cod.

The detail in this photo shows how flaky the fish can be. Also, you can see the silver skin inside the batter. When we first got here it freaked me out a little that I was eating the skin. Two years later I love it and think it's the best part.

I've been planning this post for a while, but I couldn't resist posting it on a Friday during Lent. Apparently the ubiquity of the 'chippy' (fish & chips shop) came about because people wanted fish & chips on Friday nights during Lent.

The following video clip is well worth the 57 seconds it takes to watch it. So hilarious.


Nancy said...

Okay, Rachel! We definitely have to get fish and chips...and chips when we are there!! (and onion rings for Don) Can't wait!

Mutti said...

Send me some fish and chips from the Norfolk coast!

Michael said...

Rachel, your post sent us searching for information on how fat the British are compared to Americans. We found that the US is the ninth fattest nation, and the UK is the 28th fattest. In case you were curious.