Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Manx experiences

We spent this past weekend on the Isle of Man. Last year when I went with my Grandparents it was really fun because it's my Grandma's side of the family that comes from the Isle. This time it was just as cool to be there with my Mom and uncle, also from that line of Cannons. But my Aunt Nancy is the one who knew the most about the family history even though she's not a direct descendant. :) We hiked the shore around the Calf of Man, a little island off the south coast. It was so gorgeous (see first photo above), and we even saw seals swimming around the islands!Since I gave family history and island details last year, I thought I'd just post a few shots of the strip (photos by Nancy & Don), along with the above shot of the Manx lamb I ate. (They assured me it was really a Manx lamb.)

1 comment:

Emily said...

Your pictures are beautiful! I am impressed with all your traveling adventures while pregnant-- are you still feeling pretty good?