Monday, May 30, 2011


No, we don't plan to celebrate all of his half-birthdays, but this one seemed worthy of celebration. I baked an apple pie for a barbecue with friends, and I reserved a bit of the filling (pre-seasoning) to bake Gavin his own little (half)birthday pie. The next photo is his first bite of the pie.Thankfully we redeemed ourselves and let him try something that he actually loved. We've never seen his face so clean after a meal--he wanted ALL of the strawberries in his mouth.We've loved every minute of Gavin since he came into our lives 6 months ago!


Grandma & Grandpa Terry said...

We have loved every post, picture and video about this precious little guy!

Emily said...

Loved the picture of the post-apple bite, and we can't wait to find out what you get to see at the Olympics!