Thursday, May 12, 2011

"solid" food

Gavin has recently begun to experience foods other than breast milk. I'm not sure why we call them "solid" foods because they have to be pretty well pureed for him at this point... More solid than milk, for sure, but we're not just giving the dude a piece of bread or anything. [Side note: a piece of bread would be way less messy. Yes, the mess is cute--unless you're the one cleaning it!]

He's been enjoying the rice cereal and gradually learning to eat from a spoon, so today he ate his first fruits: banana /plum. He liked the first couple of bites, but you can see the uncertainty (and the bananas & plums) all over his face.


KathiG said...

He's so cute. :-)

Emily said...

Brinly especially loved this post-- she keeps requesting "more baby" :)