Friday, September 30, 2011

Boating the Broads

Today we went boating in the Norfolk Broads, which is a network of canals. It was lots of fun and a GORGEOUS day. As you can see, we each took turns piloting the boat.

(Lest you think the above photo was staged, let me assure you we never turned the boat off or sat idle in the water. Gavin really was steering here. We were livin' on the edge--but not really because the speed limit was 5 miles per hour, sometimes 4.) The scenery was pretty, especially all the thatched-roof houses along the river. Such a beautiful day!

1 comment:

Becky Foster said...

I never even heard of such an outing. Just know that I'll probably copy everything you do. Thanks for figuring it out for me first. :)