Monday, October 8, 2012

Riga, Latvia

Thanks to my fabulous Mom for being willing to take Gavin, Jacob and I took one last European adventure together--to Riga, Latvia. It was a beautiful place, and we're so glad we got to see it! 

One of Riga's claims to fame is that 40% of the city's architecture is Art Nouveau. I've grown to really love Art Nouveau as we've visited some great examples in Europe. 
I especially love all the faces and their fabulous expressions.

Luckily Jacob got his Russian ice cream (which we've found in most Eastern European countries). It's delicious and very creamy.
We also discovered a new ice cream packaging method that we had to try. It was pretty funny watching Jacob try to get into it. And the ice cream tasted great!
We'll miss our European adventures, but at least we can say we've visited Latvia!
(Don't despair if you're not ready for the travel posts to be finished. Though this was our last trip together, I still have a couple of trips with girl-friends before we leave.)

1 comment:

KathiG said...

This is great!! One of our best tennis girls is from Riga!!! But think of the midwest USA visits you guys will have. Like Nauvoo & Kirtland. It will be fun. :-)