Gavin: 3 years old, potty trained since July, about to become a big brother,
Favorite places: the zoo, the library, preschool, the park, and Kroger "where I get my own shopping cart"
Favorite foods: noodles, popcorn, candy,waffles, cheese, berries, apples, hot chocolate (even in the summer), bubbles, peanut butter
Dislikes: bedtime, the sound of the blender, when Daddy leaves, anything he can't do by himself
Activities he loves: whatever Daddy's doing, reading, talking to Baby Sister (inside Mommy), using his "superpowers" to turn the light off, doing puzzles
And now, many more photos of Gavin from the last 6 months than you ever needed (here's a link to the last post of way-too-many Gavin photos--at his half-birthday in May).