Thursday, April 22, 2010

Election: candidate stories

I've recently come across some fascinating stories about the PM candidates. All verifiable, I assure you.

When Nick Clegg was 16 and an exchange student in Munich (did you know this guy speaks 5 languages?), he drunkenly set fire to a rare collection of cacti and had to do community service for the infraction. He also had to spend lots of money replacing the rare cacti.

In a school rugby match Gordon Brown got kicked in the head and was blinded in his left eye. After being accepted to the University of Edinburgh at the young age of 16, he started to notice the same symptoms in his other eye, which was saved by experimental surgery.

Warning: the David Cameron story is sad. He and his wife lost a son last year, who was born with a rare disease. He was 7 when he passed away. In happier news, it's been reported that the Camerons are expecting their 4th child in September this year.

[Interesting connection: Gordon Brown and his wife also lost a child (an infant) in 2002.]

I think it's significant to learn about a person as a person, not just as a political figure. I've noticed very little (if any) personal mudslinging in this campaign. Things are kept fairly polite, and attacks are generally against the opposition party, not the candidate himself. I like it.

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