Monday, April 5, 2010


Since they're nocturnal, we only see them if we're out late at night, but they're widespread in England. Last night we saw this one, but since it was dark the photos aren't great. But hedgehogs really are pretty cute.

My information source is Wikipedia here, so believe it if you want...
"In 2006, McDonald's changed the design of their McFlurry containers to be more hedgehog-friendly. Previously, hedgehogs would get their heads stuck in the container as they tried to lick the remaining food from inside the cup. Then, being unable to get out, they would starve to death."
And if that wasn't bizarre enough, it goes on:
"Domesticated hedgehogs display this behavior by getting their head stuck in tubes (commonly, lavatory paper tubes) and walking around with the tube on their head. Hedgehog owners often refer to this as "tubing" and promote the behavior by supplying clean tubes. Most owners are considerate enough, however, to cut the tubes lengthwise so as to prevent the hedgehog from remaining trapped against their will. Curiously though, some will still knowingly get themselves stuck for a few hours."


Jennie said...

The kids have been watching Alice in Wonderland and the Queen plays croquet with hedgehogs. The thought it was really cool that Uncle Jacob and Aunt Rachel have them in their yard!!

Nancy said...

Another thing for our "itinerary"
is to see a hedgehog in your yard!!