Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Last weekend we drove to Wales and had a fabulous time! We stayed at the cutest bed & breakfast with the most beautiful views over the northern Welsh countryside. The above photo was taken from our bedroom window.
We saw lots of castles (and toured a few).

We also toured Bodnant Garden, which was gorgeous! They don't allow visitors into the house, just the gardens, but they were amazing! Jacob followed this peacock around until it showed its feathers--beautiful!

We also sampled Welsh cakes, which my boss Paula recommended (because she has Welsh ancestry and grew up eating Welsh cakes made by her aunt). They look like little pancakes, so I expected they would have that texture, but they totally didn't. They were delicious, crumbly little cookies with currants in them. Very tasty!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Leave it to Jacob to keep on something until it gives him what he wants! Pretty feathers :) Looks like besides the rain the trip is lots of fun!! Glad to hear :)