Saturday, June 13, 2009


A few months ago I blogged about the Queen's actual birthday, and I mentioned that the 2nd weekend in June is her observed birthday, when they have the big parade in London called Trouping the Colour. We (my Mom and I--Jacob wasn't there) saw parts of that parade today, but the most important part was that we SAW THE QUEEN!! She rode past us in a horse-drawn carriage. The photos aren't super-close or really great quality, but I can't believe I actually SAW HER!!! It was thrilling!

(I'm pretty sure that's her hubby Prince Philip next to her. When I zoomed in it looked like him, plus his uniform is very decorated.)

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I know how much you enjoy the Royal Family :) I am glad you were able to see her and get a few pictures!