Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Misc Gav

We take so many pictures of Gavin; here are a few favorites that haven't made other posts. Above, we all wore red on Sunday because of Valentine's Day. Below, I love Gavin's smile for his dad. Here's another cute picture of Gavin in his swing, smiling up at himself in the mirror.

Below, Gavin is interacting with Grandma's massive skein of yarn. The outfit Gavin is wearing below was sent by my Dad's sister Veone. I love that it says "mommy's major hunk"--it gave me an excuse to be photographed with him. He wore it when we picked Grandpa up from the airport Saturday night. I'm not a fan of cammo as fashion, but both Grandpa and Gavin looked great in their cammo. ;)And I love this last photo of Gavin on Jacob's lap while watching TV. Their expressions are pretty much identical, no?

1 comment:

Jennie said...

What a CUTE guy!! I am loving all the misc pictures, keep them coming!!