Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This week (he's 12 weeks)

Gavin is continuing to enjoy all the attention from grandparents. I think the enjoyment is mutual, and I'm not sure what I'll do when my parents leave!
Gavin had his first immunizations last week, and it was traumatic for all of us. When the doctor tells you the baby will take his cues from you and be ok if you're ok, she's lying. He'll scream his head off from the moment the needle hits his leg and for several hours thereafter. Yesterday we went to Lavenham to see the cute old buildings. (Jacob and I visited Lavenham in 2009.) Grandpa carried Gavin in the Baby Bjorn and loved it. Gavin mostly slept. Below, we stopped at a little tea room for hot chocolate. Gavin woke only briefly (hence the binky). When I was a kid my brothers and I loved to climb on Dad's lap for his animated readings of Dr. Seuss books. Below, Gavin is enjoying just such an event. Very cute. A friend gave Gavin these slippers. At first I thought he'd never wear them, but Grandma put them on a few weeks ago, and he's basically been wearing them ever since. I'll be a little sad when his feet grow out of them!

And since he's such a busy guy, Gavin still takes lots of naps. To be fair, so do Grandma & Grandpa.


Heather B said...

Sorry about those darn immunizations. It's so hard to be a momma! I love the slippers, and that napping picture is adorable. Makes me want to curl up, too! Give that little guy a sqeeze for me.

Jennie said...

I don't know if anyone said anything to you, but giving your little ones some Tylenol before the shots helps with the soreness. The crying during the shots will still happen, but it tends not to last a long time. Amelia has had shots twice already this week and will be getting another one today...no fun at all!

BobBruff said...

Dad--we'll be sure to get the Dr. Seuss books ready for you!

KathiG said...

Poor baby!!! Needles suck, even when you're a grown-up! BTW, is that building crooked on purpose (the little tea house)?