Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I'll keep the commentary brief and just let you enjoy the photos. Gavin likes to cover his face when he sleeps, which is a huge concern. So the next two photos were taken when I checked on him during a nap. Good thing I check, right? The other photos (and video) are just for fun.


angela said...

Ryan does the same thing!! It gives poor Andrew such anxiety every night. I try to tell him that he's survived this long sleeping like that...so he'll be fine. This weekend Andrew went and checked on him and he had his blanket wrapped around his head...that kind-of worried us.

Grandma Terry said...

Loved the snoring in the video!

Emily said...

Brinly used to pull the blanket over her head every time she slept too! She outgrew it eventually so I wouldn't worry too much about it :)