Sunday, April 10, 2011

Germany trip

We drove to Germany last weekend, and in order to get there Gavin took his first boat ride. Here's a photo of him (just after we drove off the ferry) with his first boat in the background.

While in Bavaria we visited a cute medieval town called Rothenberg ob der Tauber, which is completely surrounded by a wall, which you can walk. Here I am on the wall, and below that Jacob and Gavin are at the city gate. You might remember my disappointment at hiking to a certain alpine bridge with the expectation of unspoiled vistas, and seeing scaffolding instead. Well this time we got it right. Here we are with the long-dreamed-of views of Neuschwanstein. We had a hard time getting Gavin to look at the camera. Silly us--of course he wanted to be looking at the castle too.The same Bavarian king who built Neuschwanstein (Ludwig II) also built a small palace called Linderhof Palace. It's small but beautiful, and there are a few eccentricities that made it a really amazing place to visit. The palace was built for one since the king never married and was very reclusive. He was tall and had a huge (unbelievably beautiful) bed. Also, his dining room table was built on a set of pulleys so it could be lowered into the kitchens below and raised back up, preventing the king from having to interact even with his servants. Overall, Gavin traveled really well and was a champion during the long car rides. And his country count is now 5.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Gavin's smile is so contagious!!